Commercial Agreements

Commercial agreements are a crucial aspect of conducting business in Sweden. Agreements and contracts are formed between businesses, individuals, and organizations. As your lawyer, we can help you with the formation, interpretation, and enforcement of your agreement.

What are commercial agreements? 

Commercial agreements can be verbal, in writing, or even implied in a formal or informal matter. Commercial agreements can cover all aspects of the business including wages, leases, loans, hiring, and employee safety.  

In a commercial agreement, you normally find it written in plain language, but they also include boilerplate and warranties language. 

It is always a good idea to have a lawyer review the agreement before signing it.  

Types of agreements 

  • Service agreements and maintenance contracts 
  • Shareholders and partnership agreements 
  • Agency, distribution, and franchise agreements 
  • Purchase and supply agreements 
  • Commercial leasing and hire purchase agreements 
  • Outsourcing agreements 
  • Non-disclosure agreements 
  • Independent contractor and employment agreements 

Commercial agreement disputes 

Disputes and disagreements surrounding commercial agreements are typically centered around the interpretation of the contract. We will help you with any disputes that you may encounter. 

Contact us to today for help in all matters related to your commercial agreement! 

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