Transport Law

If you have received a decision from the Swedish Transport Agency to revoke or impound a taxi driver’s license or professional traffic permit, you have the right to appeal the decision within three weeks of receiving the decision. Contact your lawyer at Advantage Law Firm today!

Other transport law – taxi driver’s license, professional traffic permit and much more!

If the Swedish Transport Agency has or will make a decision that goes against you, you have the right to send your views on the matter and the Transport Agency can then change its decision. If it does not change the decision, you can appeal to the Administrative Court. 

Transport law – Revocation of a taxi driver’s license

A taxi driver’s license must be withdrawn if, for example, there has been a criminal offence or misconduct that shows that the person is unsuitable for taxi transport or if the person no longer meets the medical requirements. 

Revocation may involve several serious or repeated breaches of traffic rules, being convicted of a more serious crime, or having very poor eyesight, hearing, or balance. 

If your taxi driver’s license is revoked, you may not hold a taxi license for a period of three to five years. If a person operates a taxi service without a valid taxi driver’s license, they can be fined or imprisoned. 

Transport law – warning instead of revoking a taxi driver’s license

If the misconduct is not serious enough to warrant the withdrawal of a taxi driver’s license, the Transport Agency may issue a warning instead. Circumstances such as other obedience to the law, minor offences unrelated to the taxi business and dependence on the taxi license for one’s livelihood may be such circumstances that lead to a warning being issued instead of revocation. 

In certain situations, it may be more appropriate for the Swedish Transport Agency to issue a warning instead of a revocation even in the case of several repeated traffic violations. Repeated traffic violations can be, for example, occasional unauthorized driving in a bus lane, turning in violation of signs and so on. If the driver is still considered fit, violations may result in a warning instead of revocation. 

Medical requirements

Your taxi driver’s license can be revoked if you no longer meet the medical requirements for licensing. The medical requirements include vision, hearing, and balance, as well as other specific medical requirements. Your vision must be satisfactory and sharp. An illness or disability that means you can no longer operate the licensed vehicle in a safe manner can lead to revocation.  

Transport law – Revocation of traffic permits for companies

In order to operate a business or taxi service, your business must have a taxi service license. 

There must be one or more natural persons appointed as transport managers in order to obtain an authorization. The responsible person(s) must be of good professional standing, financial standing and good repute to be considered suitable.  

If there are serious irregularities in taxi traffic or taxi operations, or if the operator is convicted of a crime or repeatedly violates the permit, the permit can be revoked. 

A company may receive a warning or revocation depending on the degree of seriousness. 

Transport law – Revocation of a professional transport license

An overall assessment of the circumstances of the individual situation must be made. The overall assessment will then serve as a basis for a possible decision on a warning or revocation. If you want to appeal against the decision to revoke or take possession of your permit, you should generally contact the person who made the decision, usually the Swedish Transport Agency. 

Driving license lawyer and lawyer at Advantage Law Firm

If you need help to appeal a decision on your taxi driver’s license, taxi permit or professional traffic permit and need help with an opinion or appeal, it may be appropriate to contact us. We will help you. 

Call us on 08 – 20 21 40 or email to get in touch with a driving license lawyer. 

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