Damages and Compensation

Entitlement to damages and compensation – what applies? 

A dismissal, whatever the reason, must be carried out in accordance with the law. There are clear legal rules and rules in collective agreements that set out the acceptable grounds for dismissal and how to proceed.  

If the employer does not comply with these rules, it may result in the dismissal being declared invalid and the employer may also be liable for damages. As an employee, you can receive damages if you have been dismissed or fired on incorrect or insufficient grounds.  

Damages are paid under the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) and the employee may be entitled to both financial and general damages. The purpose of damages is to compensate the employee for the loss and injury caused by the wrongful termination or dismissal.  

Economic damages include, for example, the unlawful withholding by the employer of wages or other benefits due to the employee. If it is proved that there are no legal grounds, the employer may be liable to pay damages equal to the number of wages or benefits wrongly withheld.  

General damages are awarded in addition to economic damages and are intended to compensate for the harm caused to the employee by the breach of law. It is therefore a non-pecuniary compensation.  

Advantage helps you with damages and compensation 

As an employee, it can be difficult to know what to do after termination or dismissal – often resulting in no action being taken. As lawyers working in this field, we often see that dismissal or termination has no factual or legal basis. 

It often pays to contact a competent lawyer as soon as possible after the announcement, not least because of the deadlines in employment law.  

If you are looking for a labor lawyer to help you with your case, you have come to the right place! 

With Advantage as your labor lawyer 

Advantage has a long experience in labor law negotiations and disputes in court, and we handle cases all over Sweden. 

As labor lawyers, we have extensive experience and expertise in disputes between employers and employees. We help both employees and employers with all issues related to labor disputes – including issues of damages and compensation.  

Are you in need of a lawyer today? Get in touch with us, either by calling us on 08 – 20 21 40 or by emailing info@advantage.se 

Contact us and we will help you with damages and compensation! 

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