We are a modern and innovative law firm, our lawyers and legal professionals specialize in areas such as Business Law, Labor Law, Construction Law, Tenancy and Real Estate Law and Dispute Resolution. We provide you with legal advice and guidance and represent you in various disputes within the legal areas we operate in. We have our headquarters in Stockholm but undertake assignments from all over the world. Our business is conducted with the core values of promptness, accessibility and personal service. With Advantage Law Firm as your lawyer and legal professional, genuine commitment and personal service come with it. Our goal is always to find the best solution to our clients’ legal problems. We also have a strong focus on building long-term relationships with our clients and working closely with them to understand their situation and goals. We believe in creating an open dialogue and keeping our clients informed throughout the process.
We love business and are experts in business law. At Advantage Advokatbyrå, business law means simplicity and security for you as a client. For the past 17 years, we have helped small, medium-sized and large companies solve their legal problems and have served as a sounding board for our clients in all stages of business life. Our business lawyers and attorneys have broad and in-depth knowledge with practical experience in business law. On a daily basis, we help our clients with, among other things, the preparation and review of various agreements, labor law issues, dispute resolution, transfers of companies, contact with authorities, etc.
We specialize in employment law and represent both individuals and companies in all types of employment-related disputes. Our experienced attorneys and paralegals can help both you as an employee and employer navigate legal processes and offer professional advice to help you achieve the best results. Employment law plays a central role for those who own or run a business, regardless of the size of the company or industry. Employment law issues can be complicated and therefore important to handle correctly, among other things due to the strict compensation rules that apply to you as an employer.
Construction law is the legal area that deals with various legal issues related to the implementation of a Construction. It also includes the different types of procurement that take place within the framework of the agreement. Construction law is regulated to a lesser extent by general legislation and to a greater extent by common standard agreements within the industry such as AB 04, ABT 06 and ABS 09. These standard agreements regulate the majority of situations, but it is always a good idea to supplement with an individually designed construction agreement. At Advantage Advokatbyrå, our lawyers and attorneys offer in-depth legal advice on all issues related to Construction Law.
We have extensive experience in handling various disputes and litigating both in general and administrative courts. We represent companies, private individuals, housing cooperatives and economic associations and handle disputes of various kinds, ranging from minor disputes between private individuals regarding debt, custody and access to children, inheritance to disputes between partners in companies, disputes between different companies, between employees and employers, between tenant and landlord, between franchisor and franchisee, between companies and authorities, as well as disputes regarding the transfer of movable property, such as the sale of vehicles, etc.
Agreement Law
We have extensive experience in drawing up and reviewing agreements.
M & A - Company Acquisition
We help both Swedish and international companies with transfers of companies or businesses and are an important part of our operations.
Franchise Law
Our lawyers and legal experts provide ongoing advice to both franchisees and franchisors within various franchise chains in Sweden.
Local law
We assist both tenants and landlords in all matters relating to the rental of premises, such as the preparation and review of lease agreements, termination of lease agreements, etc.
Rent and Real Estate Law
We represent both private individuals and companies and work in all property-related matters such as property transfers, contracts, expropriations, rent, leases, planning matters, etc.
Our business is based on fundamental core values such as promptness, accessibility and personal service. We always make sure to communicate with you about what is happening in your case, with personal commitment and service. We handle your case promptly and with the greatest care, we are always available via telephone and email. Please contact us and we will help you.

Jag är Shafqat Khatana, VD och grundare för Advantage Advokatbyrå. Jag startade denna firma för att jag älskar juridik och brinner för att hjälpa människor att lösa deras juridiska problem. Jag brinner också oerhört mycket för det personliga mötet och avsätter därför en hel del tid åt att bygga relationer och lära känna varje klient som jag arbetar med.
Shafqat Khatana

Jag arbetar främst med affärsjuridik, arbetsrätt, konsumenttvister, hyresrätt och annan tvistelösning, men tar mig även an byråns övriga rättsområden. Som person är jag mån om att du får ett gott bemötande hos oss från början till slut och att vi har en transparent dialog angående ditt ärende. Jag drivs av att hitta den bästa juridiska lösningen för dig som klient.
Julia Lindvall
Jur Kand

Jag började arbeta på Advantage Advokabyrå 2012. Idag är jag delägare och kontorschef vid kontoret på Sveavägen i Stockholm. Jag arbetar företrädesvis med bred affärsjuridik, fastighetsrätt och generell tvistelösning. Jag har djup kunskap inom avtalsrätten och föreläser kontinuerligt genom externa uppdrag, uppdragstagare har bland annat varit Påhlmans Handelsinstitut.
Peter Tagestam

Jag har arbetat på Advantage Juristbyrå sedan maj 2021. På byrån arbetar jag främst inom förvaltningsrätt, hyresrätt och brett inom affärsjuridik. Jag brinner för att hjälpa och företräda mina klienter på bästa sätt med deras juridiska problem. Jag prioriterar att klienten ska känna sig trygg och säker i att jag hittar den bästa möjliga lösningen i deras ärende.
Tim Rothmyr
Jur Kand

Jag arbetar främst med affärsjuridik, arbetsrätt, konsumenttvister, hyresrätt och annan tvistelösning, men tar mig även an byråns övriga rättsområden. Som person är jag mån om att du får ett gott bemötande hos oss från början till slut och att vi har en transparent dialog angående ditt ärende. Jag drivs av att hitta den bästa juridiska lösningen för dig som klient.
Alice Weyler
Jur Kand
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