Social Law

Social law is an extensive area of law that deals with, among other things, compensation under the Social Insurance Code, the right to financial assistance, the Social Services Act and other support measures under various compulsory legislation (LVU, LVM, LPT and LRV).

The Swedish Care of Young Persons (special provisions) Act (LVU) 

LVU cases involve the compulsory detention of young people under the age of 18, and in some cases young people under the age of 20. Young people are taken into care by social services because the home environment or the child’s own behavior poses a significant risk of harm to the child’s health or development. In the case of custody under LVU, both the guardians and the young person are normally entitled to their own public counsel paid for by the state. 

The Care of Abusers (special provisions) Act (LVM) 

LVM is a compulsory law that supplements the Social Services Act. The law enables compulsory closed care of adult addicts following a decision by the Administrative Court. If the addict is under 18 years of age, LVU is applied instead. The basis for care according to LVM is that the person is exposing his or her physical and/or mental health to danger, that the person runs an obvious risk of destroying his or her life or can be expected to seriously harm himself or herself or other close relatives. Normally, the person is entitled to a public counsel paid for by the state.  

The Compulsory Mental Care Act (LPT) and The Forensic Mental Care Act (LRV)  

LPT is decided when a person needs psychiatric care with some form of coercion. It is the person’s responsible doctor who has the right to decide whether to provide such care. Coercive psychiatric care may involve being admitted to a psychiatric ward. Compulsory treatment becomes necessary when the individual does not consent to the treatment that the doctor considers necessary.  

LRV is decided for a person who is to receive compulsory psychiatric care. This may be because the person has been convicted of a crime and is considered mentally ill. Forensic psychiatric care can be provided in a closed ward or by observing special conditions within the framework of open compulsory forensic psychiatric care.  

In LPT and LRV, the individual has the right to a public counsel who defends your rights. You have the right to request the person you want to be appointed.  

Public Counsel 

Cases concerning LVU, LVM, LPT and LRV are examined by the Administrative Court. The Administrative Court also appoints a public counsel for the parties concerned. If you have your own wishes, you can specify who should represent you, in which case the Administrative Court will appoint the lawyer as your public counsel.  

The state pays the cost of the public counsel. 

We at Advantage Law Firm work in these areas and undertake assignments throughout Sweden. We are happy to help you with all questions in social law. 

Contact us today if you need help with your case. 

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Vi brinner för juridik och att hjälpa våra klienter att hitta den bästa lösningen på deras juridiska problem.

Vi hjälper både enskilda personer och företag med juridiska problem och tvister.

Varje klient har sina speciella behov, vårt mål är att du skall känna dig sedd, hörd och berörd som klient hos oss.

Vår främsta uppgift är enkel, men också tydlig: Att hitta de lösningar som passar varje enskild individ bäst.

Enkelt och tydligt med vår jurist för dig på Stockholm

Vi ger dig enkelhet och tydlighet när du har möts av juridiska problem genom:

  • Att vi ger dig välgrundade juridiska tips och råd vid rätt tillfälle.
  • Vår jurist vägleder dig i ditt fall genom den snåriga djungeln som kallas juridik.
  • En jurist som granskar och upprättar avtal som skapar trygghet.
  • Sakkunnig jurist som företräder dig vid förhandling och assisterar med rätt kraft.

Våra jurister är specialiserade inom affärsjuridik, hyres- och fastighetsrätt, familjerätt och migrationsrätt. Vi arbetar även inom andra rättsområden och åtar oss uppdrag ifrån hela Sverige.

Hos oss får du i alla lägen en juridiskt sakkunnig inom just det rättsområde som ditt fall gäller.

Du kan alltid räkna med att du har en engagerad och kunnig person som hjälper dig genom hela rättsprocessen.

Vi är juristerna som du helt enkelt vill ha på din sida.

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