Employment Law

Employment lawyer with broad experience

We are specialized in employment law and represent both private individuals and companies in all types of employment-related disputes. Our experienced lawyers and legal professionals can help both you as an employee and employer navigate through legal processes and offer professional advice to help you achieve the best results.

Over the years, we have increasingly learned that no case is the same, each client has its own special needs and our main task is to find the solutions that best suit each individual. We listen to our clients and work strategically and practically to always find the best solutions.

Feel free to contact us and we can talk about how we can help you.

Employment Law For Companies

Employment law has a central role for you who own or run a business, regardless of the company’s size or industry affiliation. Employment issues can be complicated and therefore important to handle correctly, among other things due to the strict compensation rules that apply to you as an employer. A well-educated company management and good employment law advice can prevent the majority of problem areas in the workplace. Our professional lawyers and legal professionals have for over 15 years helped several companies solve their legal problems.

Feel free to contact us and we can talk about how we can help you and your company.

In Sweden, labor law is governed by a combination of legislation, collective agreements, and court decisions. The Swedish labor market is highly regulated, with a strong emphasis on protecting workers’ rights and ensuring equal treatment in the workplace. Employers in Sweden are required to comply with a range of laws and regulations governing issues such as working hours, holidays, wages, and employee benefits.

At the heart of labor law in Sweden is the Employment Protection Act, which sets out the basic rights and obligations of employers and employees. This legislation provides a high level of protection for workers, including strict rules on termination of employment. Employers must have a valid reason to terminate an employment contract, and the dismissal process is closely regulated by the authorities.

Another key aspect of labor law in Sweden is the system of collective bargaining, which is widely used to set wages and working conditions. Collective agreements are negotiated between employers and trade unions and cover a wide range of issues such as minimum wages, working hours, overtime, and sick leave. In some sectors, collective agreements are binding on all employers in the industry.

Working Hours and Holidays

In Sweden, the standard working week is 40 hours, with a maximum of eight hours per day. Overtime is allowed, but only up to a certain limit. Employers must provide their employees with a minimum of 25 days of paid vacation per year, in addition to 11 public holidays.

Parental Leave

Sweden is renowned for its generous parental leave system, which allows both parents to take time off work to care for a child. Parents are entitled to 480 days of paid leave per child, which can be taken until the child reaches the age of eight. In addition, parents are entitled to reduce their working hours by up to 25% until the child reaches the age of eight.

Discrimination and Harassment

Discrimination and harassment are strictly prohibited in Sweden, and employers have a duty to prevent such behavior in the workplace. The Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age, and gender identity. Employers must take active measures to promote equal treatment and prevent discrimination.

Sick Leave and Disability

Employees in Sweden are entitled to sick leave if they are unable to work due to illness or injury. The employer is required to pay sick pay for the first two weeks of absence, after which the Social Insurance Agency takes over responsibility for payments. In addition, Sweden has a system of disability benefits to support individuals with long-term disabilities.

Employment Types and Employment Dismissal Laws in Sweden

In Sweden, employment is typically classified into two main categories: fixed-term employment and indefinite employment. Fixed-term employment contracts are for a specific period, while indefinite contracts have no set end date. The rules and regulations surrounding these two types of employment differ in terms of dismissal laws and employee benefits.

Fixed-Term Employment

Employees on fixed-term contracts have fewer legal protections than those on indefinite contracts. These contracts typically have a set end date, and unless the contract is renewed, employment will automatically end on that date. Employers are not required to provide a reason for not renewing the contract, but they are prohibited from discriminating against employees based on gender, age, or other protected characteristics.

If the contract is terminated before the end date, the employer is required to provide notice and pay compensation to the employee. The amount of compensation depends on how much notice the employer provides and how long the employee has worked for the company.

Indefinite Employment

Indefinite employment contracts provide greater job security than fixed-term contracts. Employees on indefinite contracts are protected by the Employment Protection Act, which sets out strict rules on termination of employment. Employers must have a valid reason for terminating an employment contract, and the dismissal process is closely regulated by the authorities.

If an employer wants to terminate an indefinite contract, they must first provide written notice to the employee. The notice period is typically one to six months, depending on the employee’s length of service. If the employee has worked for the company for more than 12 years, the notice period is six months.

If the employer terminates the contract without a valid reason, the employee may be entitled to compensation. The amount of compensation is determined by the Labour Court and is based on factors such as the length of service and the employee’s age.

Collective Agreements

In addition to the Employment Protection Act, many employees in Sweden are covered by collective agreements. Collective agreements are negotiated between trade unions and employers’ organizations and set out the terms and conditions of employment, including dismissal procedures.

In many industries, collective agreements provide additional protections for employees, including requirements for employers to consult with unions before making decisions that could affect employment, such as layoffs or redundancies.

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